Sunglasses are great when you're outdoors, and taking breaks from digital devices will make your eyes less tired at the end of the day, but just as important (if not more) is the attention we must give to the food and liquids we consume on a daily basis.
Here are a few foods for better eye health for you and the ones you care about.
Beta-Carotene Veggies
Let's start with Carrots, this one is pretty obvious to most since we've been told since we were kids that carrots are good for our eyes. Carrots, sweet potatoes and pumpkin are just a few veggies that are packed with beta-carotene; an essential precursor for Vitamin-A.
Try this:
Carrot Juice
Carrot slices + Hummus
Baked Sweet Potato
Pumpkin Soup
Greens Have you ever wondered why the sun doesn't dry up and damage every leaf on a tree when it's exposed to excessive heat and light? It is believed that it is partially due to two carotenoids called Lutein (Loo-teen) and Zeaxanthin (Zee-ah-zan-thin).

Lutein and Zeaxanthin (yellow to red in pigment) are also found within our eyes and they help prevent or slow diseases such as Macular Degeneration which can be brought on by excessive exposure to UV light and in particular, High Energy Visible (HEV) light.
Zeaxanthin in particular is found in high concentration within the Macula. A healthy Macula would have a darker pigmentation which in turn helps to keep harmful blue light from reaching the Retina. It serves as a natural sunblock.
You can take a supplement but we encourage more natural and organic provisions such as:
Swiss Chard
Orange Bell Peppers
Try This:
Use Kale and Spinach when making juices
Sliced Bell Peppers make for a healthy (and delicious) snack

There have been quite a few studies that show the health benefits of eating foods rich in Omega-3. It may seem like a common theme here but Omega-3 is believed to reduce the risk of AMD.
A great benefit to Omega-3 is the prevention or reduced symptoms of Dry Eyes. In a 2015 study, participants that took Omega-3 as a dietary supplement noticed a decrease in Computer Vision Syndrome related Dry Eyes. It was found that Omega-3 fatty acids contributed to a lower tear evaporation rates.
Supplements can work but here are a few natural sources of Omega-3:
Chia Seeds

In Conclusion:
Hopefully you found the information and resources here to be useful. Taking care of your eyes should be at the top of your priorities. Keep in mind that though these foods can help, you should see an Ophthalmologist if you have a family history of eye diseases such as Macular Degeneration.
If you combine a healthy diet with protective eyewear your eyes will thrive for years to come. Thank you for reading. Have an awesome day.