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Wix Review 2019


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When it comes to building websites, you have an overwhelming amount of options. Wix, WordPress and Squarespace are the most familiar names, but there are many more. In this review I'll be focusing on Wix and the experience I’ve had with their platform, apps and customer service. Here and there I'll make some comparisons to their competitors but mostly I'll show you why I always recommend Wix to clients and friends looking to build a new website.

Over the past year I've built and maintained over 10 websites. No, that's not much, but I'm not a full time website developer. Most of my time is spent creating videos, writing blog articles and working on marketing projects for myself and clients. It may not be a large amount of sites but I've been able to acquire the title of Wix Expert (Yes, that's a thing) and you only get that by building good quality sites which reflect the capabilities of the Wix platform.

I bring this up because I want you to know that I've spent countless hours on Wix and I have spent plenty of time on other web design platforms to offer a good perspective.



I’m not a computer science major and I don’t know how to code HTML. I’m a 37 year old millennial with above average computer knowledge but I’m not applying for IT jobs. I don’t have a background in design but I believe that I could tell the difference between something that is well designed and poorly designed. If you can identify with most of that, then chances are you’ll find Wix easy to use.

You don’t need to commit to anything and there is no software to install. All you need to do is create a free account and get to work. Wix gives you instant gratification while I've found that Wordpress and Squarespace has a higher learning curve.

Take, for example, how easy it is to add an image:

Add image to wix page

1. Go to the toolbar on your left and press the "+" button. You'll find a lengthy list of the many items you can add to your page. In this case I'm selecting "image". You'll have the option to select or upload your own images but in this case I'll use the library of free Wix images.

2. Once in the library, you'll be able to browse through their selection or you can search for an image using the search tool located at the top right corner of the "choose image" screen. I like the picture of the scooter. I selected the image and pressed the "Add To Page" button on the bottom left corner.

3. Just like that, the image has been placed on my new page. By default it is located in the center of the page but if you want to move it all you need to do is click and drag.

4. See, that was easy, and that's how it should be. I don't understand why Squarespace can't be this easy. One of my biggest frustrations using Squarespace is the need for "spacers". Those invisible blocks that you need to place around images and text in order to shape the page layout. Wix keeps it easy and simple so you can keep on creating.

Oh, and another thing, something as simple as adding a text on your blog page on Squarespace is ridiculously difficult unless you know code. I've reached out to Squarespace customer service about this simple task and apparently certain templates don't allow you to do something as simple as add a text header on your main blog page. Crazy.

This example is really just the tip of the iceberg. Everything on Wix is either this easy or your a quick search away from getting the answers you want. Wix has a great community of experts providing answers in the Wix Forum.



Wix has done a great job providing templates to work with. It’s not filled with thousands of options but I believe in quality over quantity. Their templates are clean, modern and nice to look at. I’ve used Wix to create over 10 websites in the past year and I’ve never felt my creativity limited by the template options.

All of the templates are mobile friendly, too.

Wix Desktop View

1. Here, you can see my desktop view of my Felix Gray Jemison review. If you look to the left on the top toolbar, you'll see two images; one that looks like a desktop monitor and the other which looks like a smartphone. Press the smartphone image to switch to mobile view.

Wix Mobile View

2. With no effort at all you now can edit your page for mobile view. Wix will attempt to organize the page for mobile view but you can still adjust text size and image placement without it effecting your desktop layout.



Websites are used for blogging, showcasing, selling, buying, booking and much, much more. You’ll need apps on your site that meet the needs you have. Wix has many amazing apps that work seamlessly with your site. For example, the site you’re reading this post on was made on Wix and I used the blog app to arrange and manage my posts.

Unlike Squarespace, if your original template didn't feature a blog, no worries, it's as easy to add as an image, and you don't have to start over for something as simple as adding a feature.

While your site is in the “freemium” state many of the apps are limited, but trust me, you’ll want to upgrade your site to premium status anyways, so most of the apps will have the full features available. (There will be some that you'll have to pay extra for.)

Here is a list of some of my favorite apps:

  • Get Subscribers (For Newsletter Sign-ups)

  • Blog

  • Instagram Gallery

  • Wix music

  • Members Page

  • Wix SEO Wiz

  • Visitor Analytics

  • Video Gallery

My favorite “behind the scenes” service that Wix offers is the SEO Wiz. It is an amazing tool that takes you page by page and step by step through your website to make sure you’re optimized for search engines. If you didn’t know this already, you could create a beautiful website, but you won’t get found organically without SEO.



The cost will depend on the features and performance you want. For example, the site that you are on right now is the premium “Business Unlimited” package that costs $300/year. If you're upgrading for the first time, keep an eye out for sales. Wix regularly offers 50% off first time premium upgrades.

Here are the feature included in the Business Unlimited package:

  • Unlimited Bandwidth

  • 35GB of storage

  • Online Store

  • Accept Payments Online (Wix partners with PayPal and Swipe)

  • Connect your Domain + Get a free domain

  • Remove all Wix ads

  • $300 total in Ad Vouchers ($100 of that is Google Ads)

There are many packages for you to explore, this just happens to be the best package for me. There are also a month-to-month option but the Wix ads stay on your site and you don't get a free domain.

Wix business packages prices

Considering all the apps, free domain, ad vouchers, hosting and the reliability of the platform, I’d say you’re getting the best deal on the internet. I'm not getting paid to say that. I'm being 100% serious and honest.



a) Wix doesn’t claim to be a CRM like SalesForce or a MAP like MailChimp but they do offer an email newsletter service that I find to be pretty good for those just starting out with email marketing.

b) I recently needed to speak with a customer service agent about connecting a domain that a client had on Network Solutions and though I wish they had a direct number (you need to put in a call request) I'm happy to say that I was extremely pleased with their knowledge and quick call back.

c) Wix has a free service that allows you to create invoices that you can send out to your clients or customers. The recipient will receive the invoice via email and they cal pay directly from a link embedded in the email.

D) Last random thing is the Wix app (iOS). It’s not the best, but the chat feature is pretty cool. If you set up the chat app you’ll get notified whenever someone visits your site and you can engage with them directly from the Wix app on your smartphone.



Let’s be honest, you have many options and at the end of the day the best choice is the one that make your workflow quick and easy. Wix does that for me but maybe Wordpress and Squarespace do that for you. To each their own. The goal is to have a great looking website that you and your business can depend on.

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