The title says it all. Let's get to it!
We'll be comparing the top 3 most purchased and reviewed computer glasses under $40 to determine which one is giving you the most bang for your buck.
The 3 brands are GammaRay Optics, J+S Vision and Spektrum. You can purchase all of these on Amazon if you are in the U.S. We'll leave the links at the bottom of this post.

In order to compare these glasses fairly, I'll be judging them on 3 categories. At the end I'll also have a short list of pros and cons for each. Here are the categories:
BPF % (What percent of blue light is filtered)
Frame Quality
Lens Quality
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Category 1: BPF %
If we base the winner strictly off of BPF % then J+S Vision would win and it wouldn't even be close. At 90% it filters out the most blue light. In all fairness though, Spektrum offers a set of lenses with a BPF of 99%! It didn't qualify in this comparison due to it being over $40.
Biggest Losers: GammaRay & Spektrum
Winner: J+S Vision
Category 2: Frame Quality
You'll have to trust my judgement as an optician on this one because there isn't a data driven way to convey frame quality.
The GammaRay frame feels the "cheapest" of the three due to it's type of plastic. I'm sure all three frames are injection molded (the cheapest way to mass produce frames) but at least the J+S has spring hinges as a cool looking matte black finish and the Spektrum temples can be adjusted (by a professional) if needed.
The J+S frames have an odd adjustment to them that I feel should be mentioned. Typically, the temples should be parallel to each other but their temples bow inward.

I don't know why they felt the need to do this. Since they bow in, the spring is likely to be constantly extended and that will cause it to break sooner than it needs too. If their temples were parallel I'd give them the advantage in this category but because I believe this will reduce the lifespan of the glasses, I'm going to give this one to Spektrum.
Biggest Loser: GammaRay
Winner: Spektrum
Just on a side note, the GammaRay and Spektrum glasses are stamped with the CE logo which means their products meat the European Union's standards for products that can be sold within the EU. J+S Vision has no such stamp on their frames. I don't know why they don't but I felt the need to mention that.
Category 3: Lens Quality
This is another area where I'll have to describe the quality difference to you. Let me start by saying that all three lens materials seem to be polycarbonate; this is probably the most commonly used lens material in America. It's cheap but it's durable and UV protection was placed in the resin.
I feel bad for GammaRay because they just don't meet what I would consider good quality minimum standards. I can see why they are just $12. Their lenses have the most color of the three (Spektrum isn't far behind) and their Anti-Glare coating smudges the easiest and takes the most effort to get clean.

J+S has the lenses with the least amount of color but their coating also smudges easily. Good thing is it takes less work to get the lenses clean compared to the GammaRay.
Spektrum has more color than the J+S but the Anti-glare coating is comparable to coatings you would find at a respected eyewear retailer. I won't go as far as to say it's as good as any Crizal or Zeiss coatings but they are the best of the 3 and they are comparable with the coatings found on computer glasses that are 2x the price. The lenses still smudge easily but they clean so much easier than their competition.
Biggest Loser: GammaRay
Winner: Spektrum
Pros and Cons for products and services for the company as a whole
Lowest price point
BPF 50%
Frames are comfortable
Trendy Style
No Website
No Catalog
No Kids Sizes
Unknown amount of frame styles
Virtually no company information
J+S Vision
Almost clear lens
Highest BPF % in price category
3 styles to chose from (Computer eyewear)
Trendy style
Sunglasses available
Easy to navigate website
No kids sizes
No custom Rx option
Poor frame adjustment
2 lens types (BPF 50 & 99%)
Custom Rx
Kids specific glasses
Night driving glasses available
Sunglasses available
Easy to navigate website
Most expensive in sub $40 category
The Verdict: Spektrum is the winner of the "best computer glasses under $40" competition 2018.
Their BPF is at 50% but they have superior coatings on their lenses and the frame is made with a plastic that feels like it will last during the wear and tear of daily use.
The company has an easy to navigate website and the fact that they give you the option to use your own prescription is huge. I didn't use this to place them over J+S but it's good to know that you'll be purchasing from a company that's more than just a one trick pony.
As a parent, I'm glad that they offer kids sizes because it's hard to find that at the moment; then they also offer night time driving glasses and sunglasses and I just feel like they are in touch with the needs of everyone, regardless of age and visual need. As an optician, glasses wearer and parent that makes me trust them more.
Where to buy:
Spektrum Glasses: https://amzn.to/2HfdHcR​
J+S Vision: https://amzn.to/2GOopmg
GammaRay: https://amzn.to/2EyEHhf
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Other Resources:
Computer Eyewear Product Comparison Chart