Not since color contacts were introduced nearly a half-century ago has there been something new and innovative for contact lens wearers to get excited about. New materials made contacts healthier for our eyes but the overall experience has remained the same. Now, through a partnership with Transitions Optical, Acuvue has developed a first of its kinds photochromic contact lens; Oasys with Transitions.
Oasys with Transitions is a bi-weekly disposable soft contact lens which automatically adjusts the amount of light which enters the eye. Being a contact lens wearer myself, I was excited to give them a trial. So on a sunny Saturday in March I switched out my Oasys 1-day lenses for the new Oasys with Transitions.

I was happy to see that the lenses are virtually colorless when kept away from UV light. I fully expected this first generation to have more pigmentation. It has a very light brown tint which is only as noticeable as the handling tint which is present on all soft contact lenses. Even if you have light color eyes, the tint is so faint that it will not be perceivable when sitting on your eyes.
Now the fun part. I went outside for a walk with my family and I left my sunglasses at home, submitting my eyes to the full Oasys with Transitions experience. There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the moment I stepped outside I had to squint. Thankfully, in just a matter of seconds, I started to notice the lenses working their magic.
There wasn't a cloud in the sky and the moment I stepped outside I had to squint. Thankfully, in just a matter of seconds, I started to notice the lenses working their magic.
Having worn Transitions lenses in my prescription glasses I figured the contacts would take a few minutes to reach full darkness but It actually took less than a minute. Keep in mind that the darkness of the lenses and how quickly they go from clear to dark and dark to clear will vary depending on temperature and UV exposure. In theory, the higher the UV index the darker the lenses will get. In my case it was a sunny day, roughly 68°F/20°C and the UV index was 3. I'd say this is perfect weather but then again I'm a spoiled Californian.
My face soon relaxed and my squint faded. My eyes opened and I found myself with an amazing sense of freedom. People with light sensitivity will understand what I mean. If I don't have sunglasses on a sunny day I simply can't enjoy myself. Oasys with Transitions made life in the sun quite enjoyable and pain-free.
I think it's time we address the elephant in the room. The question everyone asks: How do the lenses make your eyes look when they are dark? The short answer... a little strange.

Yes, my eyes looked like they were dilated. When my wife caught a glimpse of me with the dark lenses she was taken aback at how "crazy" they made my eyes look. I guess I could've told her I was trying new lenses, but then I would've influenced her initial reaction and I didn't want that.
The question everyone asks: How do the lenses make your eyes look when they are dark? The short answer... a little strange.
If this is how my brown eyes look when the lenses are dark it will certainly be noticeable on someone with light color eyes. So is this a deal breaker? I don't think so.
I don't believe Acuvue intends to market Oasys with Transitions as a sunglass replacement. Though the contacts helped me with light sensitivity they are certainly not going to take the place of my polarized sunglasses. This is a new category of contacts and they should be considered a supplement to your existing contact lens supply. There are times when sunglasses aren't appropriate or safe and I plan on using Oasys with Transitions in those specific situations.
There are times when sunglasses aren't appropriate or safe and I plan on using Oasys with Transitions in those specific situations.
Take for example activities like soccer, tennis, baseball or outdoor basketball. I'm not going to wear sunglass and risk them breaking if I get hit in the face, but at the same time I'm light sensitive. Since most of these activities are planned in advance, I'll wear my Oasys with Transitions that day and be set.
I'm sure there is a reason why Acuvue elected to use their 2-week Oasys lenses but I would have preferred the daily disposable version instead. That way I could keep a few lenses in my sports bag and have them on standby. I'm not saying everyone will wear them the way I will, but I foresee this being a major request.
I think it's fair to say that Acuvue, the world's leading contact lens manufacturer, has thought about the target consumer in the same way I have . MLB star Bryce Harper is the official ambassador of the new Oasys with Transitions lenses and I couldn't agree more with this marketing strategy. Athletes depend on visual performance and there are many times when I've wished I could wear sunglasses but the rules of the sport just didn't allow it. Acuvue with Transitions are a true game changer.
Acuvue with Transitions are a true game changer.
Acuvue and Transitions Optical have developed a great product. Much like prescription glasses with Transitions, Oasys with Transitions will not be for everyone, though I would recommend that all contact lenses wearers try them at least once. It really is a unique experience.
Acuvue Oasys with Transitions is now available to purchase. Ask your eye doctor for a trial today.
Note: Acuvue Oasys with Transitions is only available in spherical powers. According to Acuvue, there is currently no timetable for the release of an astigmatism version.